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27.3 - Mail z Moravian Mission School - Leh (Robert)

Posílám vám email z Moravské školy. Vypadá to dobře, ale asi budeme muset pracovat před odjezdem. Skupina v Moravské škole by mohla pracovat 28.7.-7.8. tak, abychom vyšli vstříc řediteli.

Dear Mr Robert Meixner,
Thank you so much for your letter. Yes we will be able to have you spend time in our School with students and help them learn about ecological awareness and preservation. We could provide limited accomodation for the time of their involvement in our school to the volunteers with simple amenities; a part of their meal expenses could also be taken care of for the days of their involvement in our School. Students will be allowed to invite the volunteers in their homes as and when permitted by the School; that will give some exposure to the Ladakhi life and culture.
Please let us know of the dates that the volunteers can be available in our School; later part of summer would be the best for us, by the time the group is about to leave Ladakh.
Our best wishes as I close,
Rev Elijah Gergan