We joint the School, International School of Ostrava on 25th of Jan. and I was moved by the action taken by the senior school student to raise the fund to help the immigrants by selling cakes, sweets etc. on the very first day. I spent my most of time with the teachers of Class 1st - Class 6th. And every teacher had different methods of teaching, management and organization. And having one teacher for every subjects for a class was wonderful too, as it can enable the teacher to understand different levels of student's perception and on the other hand its boring for the students too as they can see only one face every time for the whole year.
And for the encouragement for the students having 2-4 houses is wonderful, as the teacher can increase and decrease a house point on basis of their improvement, behavior, active participation and achievements, which i would like to do the same. And starting the class by speaking on moral education and reminding them about class room rules and regulations is wonderful and shall be needed same in my class. And selecting a student for "STAR OF THE WEEK" is also motivating for a student itself. And dividing task to different student in a class is also awesome.I spent my days with most of the teacher and attend every subjects including arts, music etc. I learnt too many new methods which i'll not specify now.
I would like to have a class there in my school in which every resources and equipment are in place which class can use by any teacher at any time. I have many worksheets and eBooks downloaded with me, on which I'll be working. I am also working on VEDIC MATHEMATICS which is very simple and creative for Maths.
It was fun though, she helped and taught us for a couple of times, and then we manage to do our own, she is very good teacher...for me.It was very wonderful experienced here.
I was all the time with kindergarten teachers,they were knowledgeable, skillful and helpful too.I spent my very time with them playing with kids and learning new methods of teaching and organization. They were working on the wall displays from which the student can learn joyfully and can remember the same,which i too liked to do the same.For their practical learning they usually take them to outdoor trip for e.g, salt cave and different parks for their refreshment. They have better resources,equipment and all those requirements for teaching better and can make it ease too.
They usually have activities or games just after every lesson,so that students can enable to remember it.In English they usually working on a program jolly phonic,which is very creative and helpful,as would i like to work on. They celebrated their Birthdays together festivals and occasions together which was very motivated for me and the program IPC is creatively.
They have better access to internet, which can enable a teacher to teach a lesson creative and innovative and on the same students can learn with fun and enjoyment. I was working with Martina for making curriculum for the half of the year.and will be working with her to make it more interesting. I will be giving my full effort to make my classes more enjoyable and creative by working on what I learnt from here.